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Показано 2821-2835 из 4523 сообщений
1703. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (13.06.2018 20:33)
Do you know it?Project SIREN has create a Gallery Exhibition,just like same one in few years ago.

here is URL:https://twitter.com/openworldnews/status/1002551119611027456
Ответ: Oh, that's just like "SIREN Museum" exhibition, made in 2008.

I hope that somebody would record this exhibition on video.

1702. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (13.06.2018 19:41)
I‘ve send a electronic edition to your e-mail please check it.

I attach great importance to the opinion from reader,so when you are free
and finished read "anenarumono" please read this dojin novel and
feedback some advice or thoughts to my e-mail,thanks a lot.

Could you do me a favor?I want to know  the content of the film "Игла",Ви́ктор Цой used "Neowave" in it(and I saw a scene is his girlfriend is drug misuse),like I said,the scene of a ship in the wilderness  the rail to the sun is Unforgettable and the music in 20:44(Ви́ктор Цой is drinking chocolate in bar) and 55:35(Цой  is walking on a street to meet two Asian guys),could you told me these name?

I appreciate your help several times and I always forget it,I'm sorry about my disrespect.
I‘ve send a electronic edition to your e-mail please check it.

Yes, i have received it. Thanks.

Could you do me a favor?I want to know the content of the film "Игла",[font=Geneva]Ви́ктор Цой used "Neowave" in it(and I saw a scene is his girlfriend is drug misuse),like I said,the scene of a ship in the wilderness the rail to the sun is Unforgettable and the music in 20:44(Ви́ктор Цой is drinking chocolate in bar) and 55:35(Цой is walking on a street to meet two Asian guys),could you told me these name?

Sorry, i didn't watched this movie, so i'm not familiar with it's content.

But you can read the short synopsis of the story on the Russian Wiki:

1701. DarthVasilius [Beardy]  (13.06.2018 17:28)
Геймплей в удобоваримом качестве.

1700. яроярояро   (13.06.2018 11:01)
FromSoftware типа порадовали. Sekiro Shadow Die Twice - какая-то смесь Souls, Tenchu и Kuon. Переиздание Metal Wolf Chaos (правда графон ухудшили) - фанатам меха на ура. И для psvr какой-то "эхонайт наоборот" за призрак девочки, по атмосфере чуть шадоу оф меморис напомнило.
FromSoftware типа порадовали. Sekiro Shadow Die Twice - какая-то смесь Souls, Tenchu и Kuon.

Мне трейлер Sekiro больше напомнил игру "Dororo" (Blood Will Tell) на ps2.

И для psvr какой-то "эхонайт наоборот" за призрак девочки, по атмосфере чуть шадоу оф меморис напомнило.

Я так понимаю, никаких геймплейных роликов у игры пока нет? Только тизер?

1699. DarthVasilius [Beardy]  (13.06.2018 09:41)
Леон похорошел, а Клэр возмужала. https://i.imgur.com/xrMxIWu.png
Ответ: Выглядит неплохо. Учитывая капкомовские замашки, всё могло быть гораздо хуже.

Хотя немного печалит отсутствие комментариев к предметам интерьера. Они являлись очень важной составляющей RE-формулы.

1698. MaxAf2   (12.06.2018 13:03)
Ну бомжи стали графонистей же...
Ответ: Я не поняла - а куда делись грибные зомби?
Их всех что ли бомжи покусали?

1697. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (12.06.2018 11:07)
Okay I got it,thanks for telling me,at least I still can use VPN anyway.Free VPN is hard to get access with foreigncountry unless use paid VPN like Nord or Express etc.I never use two software
like u said,I know what it is,TOR is can’t use in China.And Chinese government
is take  Internet Speech seriously so Ican’t find out any result about “VPN” now.I'm using 3 VPN now,is “SoftEther VPN”,”Lantern”and”Psiphon”.
Thanks for telling me,now I knew it already.My mean is Please don’t read my set unlessyou’re finished read it already, so could you tell are you finished yet?
And Chinese government is take Internet Speech seriously so Ican’t find out any result about “VPN” now.

Yes, i heard that Chinese government is censoring the search results in search engines. That's quite awful.

Our government also tried to make a search engine called "Sputnik" with censored search results. But it failed miserably and almost nobody uses it now.

1696. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (11.06.2018 20:34)
As “The Cthulhu mythos” is really exist in this world,that I mixtured world outlook.Then ”Aleister Crowley” become the Discoverer of it and H.P. Lovecraft is become a fairy tale writer cause frustrated in SF horror novel.Then "Ad Meiorum Cthulhi Gloriam" isn’t just a joke now (as a result,base on the mythology of ancient Sumer just gods' deceptive trick) and “Cultes des Goules” is really exist in this world too.

I create a original character,his name is “Edmond Richard Stanley”,He is an international students from England.He is Omito’s student and close friend .He is very good at folklore But he has always regarded folklore as a hobby.And is he post two books ” Cultes des Goules” and "Ad Meiorum Cthulhi Gloriam"to Omito and,so that’s why “chiyo” can appared in Present world and Suda Kyoya will read this book and go to the Hanuda Village.(I knew it in Mirror of the lost official European website).(At first, I had hoped that his experience would be like a traditional western horror film.)

Differ in game,Kanae is waken in August,she doesn’t know she is “Mother”’s heir,but she can use “Sightjack” at ease .As her performance in game that make me think she is the opposite to “chiyo” I hope she will be a really flawless sister in Shu’s mind.

In the end,I wish Suda Kyoya(THE BUSTER!)&Phantom Kajiro Miyako have a endless battle with Shub-Niggurath,But I haven't decided whether to use it yet.

“试作” is mean “Prototype”, I have tried to write all the characters after the original,it is very hard work,if you feels bad from anyone tell me please.

1695. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (11.06.2018 20:33)
“Код” is “Код” in “Добавить запись”,I can’t see it unless ues VPN.

Kino has a music called "Бошетунмай",what's it mean?

Crossover Dojin Novel URL is: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv453468

If you use Google Translator, mouse slid through the text maybe will doesn’t work,The translator may misinterpret the original meaning and there still have typos.

After I realized Shu & Kanae’s features and ingredients are similar to "anenarumono", I was affected by this manga and there have “God wants to become human” opinion in Japan created “Dojin Prequel” of SIREN 2.And this is Extra Episode(番外篇) it doesn’t belong to storyline,before I create this one,I’ve created a Extra Episode already.Is SIREN 2 and Crayon Shinchan(クレヨンしんちゃん).

This "Dojin prequel" of SIREN 2 is follow the official setting,,I wish this could attract Project SIREN’s attention.And my real intention for create Extra Episode is to defined Kanae’s temperament.Now,looks like I’m failed twice.

My set (Please don’t watch it before you watched this novel.)[color=#ff0000][/color]:

The Extra Episode is base on my “Dojin Prequel”.Ryuhei bring Shu and Kanae to Mainland of Japan and live in Hanuda Village’s “Kodawa Inn”.For Shu and Kanae,is to travel,for Ryuhei is
to have academic exchange with Omito and prepare for “All Japanese Academy of folkloric studies conference”.( [No. 024] Letter to Ryuhei Mikami we can know Omito and Ryuhei are friend and “that we shall only be able to meet at the occasional study conferen held every few years.”)

I borrowed your pictured the URL is: http://forbidden-siren.ru/news....286,the Preface is from “The sealed religion of Cthulhu was continued in Japan!?”
“Код” is “Код” in “Добавить запись”,I can’t see it unless ues VPN.

Oh, i understand now. This site uses "Google Captcha" as an anti-spam filter. And you can't see this captcha without VPN probably because Google is banned in China. But, unfotunately, i can't turn off the google captcha - otherwise spam bots would make here 100-200 spam messages every day sad

By the way, i have a question about internet in China. It seems that our russian government have gone crazy and wants to make something like Chinese "Great Fire Wall" in the near future. So i wanted to ask - is it easy to go through this "fire wall" in China? Does VPN works well with it? Does the browser add-on programs like BrowSec work well? Does the TOR browser work?

Kino has a music called "Бошетунмай",what's it mean?

There's no such word in russian language. This is just some magic word, made up by Tsoi.
Some fans speculate that it could have been derived from a chinese word "不是出卖", which means something like "do not sell" or "do not betray".
You can read more about it here:

Crossover Dojin Novel URL is: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv453468
My set (Please don’t watch it before you watched this novel.)

OK, thanks. I'll try to read it after ane naru mono.

1694. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (10.06.2018 11:16)
one sentences lost,The official did not disclose any news about the interview

1693. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (10.06.2018 10:49)
by the way Код is doesn't work in Mainland China,Great Fire Wall are ban it.
Ответ: I don't understand this message. What code do you mean?

1692. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (10.06.2018 10:47)
I've seached information about nekcom,its the Manufacturer of "Dying Island"
They restricted the number of people, and only 50 people could enter.
The Open Day activity is truth,its in Hongshan District Optical Valley Wuhan Hubei (OMG,they hold it in my hometown),and Akira Yamaoka has attend this open day.
and at the finally of "tiezi",Akira Yamaoka wants to hold a concert at August in China,so maybe "3-hours" is truth or just lying.

here is Weibo URL:https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404241127040502948

Are you seached "anenarumono" already?
actually,I did't have any interest about "The Cthulhu mythos" and "Saya no Uta" or such work like this,I just shocked why these work have such a high correlation with SIREN,it is unacceptable.
I'm sorry but,appreciate for recommend,I've knew 腐り姫 is the inspration of it 4 years ago.(Although I find it difficult to accept,but I But I still created crossover dojin novel about SIREN 2 Shu & Kanae with "anenarumono",this is truth.)

Regrettable,I know Ви́ктор Цой for my first time is when I was playing Grand Thetf Auto 4 in Vladivostok FM,it is "Gruppa Krovi".
But,not long ago Rockstar lost the copyright of all the songs in that FM.it is sad cry .

My favorite song about Kino is "Группа крови","Кончится лето","Спокойная ночь","Мама, мы все тяжело больны",and I've seen "Игла" the movie create by Ви́ктор Цой,the scene of a ship in the wilderness and Цой are walking with his girl friend(?) is Unforgettable!

here is Weibo URL:https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404241127040502948

Thanks for the links.

I checked them with Google Translator - and it seems that Yamaoka just says some obvious things like "James killed his wife and feels negative emotions because of it". I didn't found anything about Laura there.

So the "3-hours" person was probably lying.

Are you seached "anenarumono" already?

I have read the 1st chapter of this manga, but currently don't have time to read it fully.
Maybe i'll read the other chapters later.

Although I find it difficult to accept,but I But I still created crossover dojin novel about SIREN 2 Shu & Kanae with "anenarumono",this is truth.

Sounds interesting. Can you give us a link to this doujin novel?

1691. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (09.06.2018 21:28)
Hello,is me,how are you?
Is there any others Chinese can speak Russian?I've seen a URL with "tieba"
and at the finally,Akira Yamaokawants to hold a concent at August in China.

And I don't know you are already knew it or not,after I've found the relevance
between the SIREN&SIREN 2 and "Saya no Uta",I found another
miraculous relevance.(Maybe just another random coincidence. )
The name is "anenarumono" ,it told the daily life between "yuu" and "chiyo"(Personification of Shub Niggurath)

In the title page the author said his favorite ingredients are "straight shota","monster girl","tentacle","Bungalow in the village","summer"and"The Cthulhu mythos".
It's just like Shu & Kanae's story in SIREN 2,this manga As if it happened in the Hanuda village,I was shocked when I see it.

This Game is haunted!(なんかこの村呪われてるな…。) Now this is the second work that has nexus with SIREN,I don't want to see the third one in the future......

By the way,In Russia, what position does Ви́ктор Цой
have in people's heart?
Ответ: Hi, glad to see you again smile

We were discussing Yamaoka's strange interview in China, so maybe you can help us here?

It seems that a person named "3-hours" on tieba-baidu forums claims that Yamaoka gave an interview in China, where he apparently said that Laura from SH2 is a hallucination of James. But it contradicts the statements of other developers about the story.

So i'm interested to find out - did Yamaoka really said that? Or the "3-hours" person is just lying or misunderstood something?

Is it possible to find a full text of this interview, or a video recording?

And I don't know you are already knew it or not,after I've found the relevance
between the SIREN&SIREN 2 and "Saya no Uta",I found another
miraculous relevance.(Maybe just another random coincidence. )
The name is "anenarumono" ,it told the daily life between "yuu" and "chiyo"(Personification of Shub Niggurath)

Thanks, i'll check this out.

By the way, if you're interested in something similar to Saya no Uta - i recommend to play a game called "KUSARIHIME: Euthanasia". Saya no Uta's scenario writer said that this game was a big inspiration for him. It also have some small similarities with Siren.

By the way,In Russia, what position does Ви́ктор Цой have in people's heart?

I think, younger people are not very familiar with his songs, but for older people (born in 70's or 80's) he has a cult status.

1690. DarthVasilius [Beardy]  (07.06.2018 17:19)
Ямаока срывает покровы с СХ2.
Ответ: Во-во! Я всегда говорила, что Лора - воплощение педо-фантазий Джеймса, Эдди - воплощение гомо-фантазий, Великая Собака - воплощение зоо-фантазий, а тушка Мэри в rebirth-концовке - воплощение некрофильских тенденций. Choose your Waifu! love

Но если серьёзно, на фейк какой-то похоже. В LM же ясно сказано, что Лора - реальный человек.

1689. MaxAf2   (05.06.2018 16:13)
Тебя так и не заинтересовала Detroit: Become Human?
Ответ: Игра выглядит симпатично. Но учитывая, что сценарий писал Дэвид Кейдж, он наверняка опять под конец скатит весь сюжет в нелепое говно sad

И в очередной раз наступать на эти кейджевские грабли мне как-то неохота.