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Forbidden-Siren.ru Новости, обзоры и статьи о хоррор-играх Forbidden Siren 2 - Kounagihishouka (Maiden's Secret Song) - Lyrics and TranslationLyrics and Translation for the Song "Kounagihishouka" Japanese Lyrics: 巫秘抄歌 舞え舞え 巫 頭の飾りを打ち振るい 焔見遣って踊りゃんせ 舞え舞え 巫 耳の飾りを鈴鳴らし 風音尋ねて踊りゃんせ 舞え舞え 巫 首の飾りを打ち鳴らし 水面覗いて踊りゃんせ 舞え舞え 巫 胸の飾りを揺り捨てて 頭を真似て 廻りゃんせ 飛べ飛べ 使い鳥 錦の腰帯揺り解き 土を求めて羽ばたかん 揺り揺られ 箱の舟 腕の飾りが拍子打つ 鳥を待ちわび揺られけん 舞え舞え 巫 天の衣で舞い踊り 舟を背にして踊りゃんせ まことにめでたく舞うたらば 七つの門が開かれん Romaji Lyrics: "Kounagihishouka" mae mae kounagi koube no kazari wo uchifurui homura miyatte odoryanse mae mae kounagi mimi no kazari wo suzu narashi kazane tazunete odoryanse mae mae kounagi kubi no kazari wo uchinarashi minamo nozoite odoryanse mae mae kounagi mune no kazari wo yuri sutete koube wo manete mawaryanse tobe tobe tsukai tori nishiki no koshiobi yurihokodi tsuchi wo motomete habatakan yuri yurare hako no fune ude no kazari ga hyoushi utsu tori wo machiwabi yurareken mae mae kounagi ama no koromo de maiodori fune wo se ni shite odoryanse makoto ni medetaku mautaraba nanatsu no mon ga hirakaren English Translation: "Maiden's Secret Song" Dance, maiden, dance Wave the crown upon thy head Watch the flames and dance Dance, maiden, dance Ring the bells upon thine earrings Ask the winds and dance Dance, maiden, dance Wave and shake thy necklace Peek the water’s surface and dance Dance, maiden, dance Cast off the brooch upon thy chest Imitate the head and dance Fly, Fly messenger bird Shake free from thy jewelled girdle Fly in search of soil Sway, sway the ark Thy bracelet beats the rhythm Sway gently, eagerly awaiting the bird Dance, maiden, dance Dance about, clad in robes divine With the ark behind thee, dance Other Forbidden Siren Songs: >> Hoshingoeika << >> Azteca Queen << >> Bermuda Love Triangle << |
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