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Показано 316-330 из 4641 сообщений
4326. Chipp12   (12.08.2023 07:13)
Наконец-то объявили совсем новую Corpse Party:
Правда пока информации толком нет.
Ответ: Это радует. Давненько уже ничего нового по Corpse Party не было happy

4325. Комуто Херавато [Dessan]  (09.08.2023 19:16)

死魂曲 -SIREN-
назание прям интересное у азиатской версии, музыка мертвых душ, ну да это дословный перевод, китайский все же легче японского в плане грамматики
Ответ: Да, мне тоже понравилось.
Поэтично звучит happy

4324. Surouso   (09.08.2023 01:22)
Контекст был вроде в ироничной борьбе с анимешниками. Было забавно, я просто искал про ямипикарию=)
Ответ: А, теперь припоминаю smile

Гущин - это был начальник какой-то службы по противодействию "опасным" молодёжным субкультурам.

В 2007 или 2008м году он написал статью про субкультуру анимешников. Статья была феерически тупая, и там анимешники выставлялись чем-то типа тайного вредоносного злодейского сообщества.

Я тогда разобрала эту статью на цитаты - и запостила на паре игровых форумов. Народ дико ржал с этих перлов про злодеев-анимешников, и после этого тема про Гущина на какое-то время там стала локальным мемом crazy

4323. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (08.08.2023 11:59)
I noticed that in Chinese version of Forbidden Siren they changed the title into "死魂曲".
How it translates properly from chinese? Is this word pronounced similar to "Siren"?

Actually, Is 《死魂曲 -SIREN-》, as same as Korean version. And its doesn't pronounced like "Siren" at all.
死魂曲 mean "The music of dead souls", like Siren's folklore in Greek.

Good page. I was surprised to find a "Siren x Saya no Uta" fan art there smile

LOL, these were posted by me too, like what I posted on Reddit and Twitter, all I want to do is just want people know, Makino Kei at the knot of "The Returnee"'s description similar to saya, And there are people who think the same way as me at that time.

Sorry, i currently don't have time to read the novel again.

Sad to heard that, please, take care yourself, and I wish to hear your detailed impressions in the future.
Actually, Is 《死魂曲 -SIREN-》, as same as Korean version. And its doesn't pronounced like "Siren" at all.
死魂曲 mean "The music of dead souls", like Siren's folklore in Greek.

That's an interesting title.
Thanks for explaining smile

4322. Surouso   (08.08.2023 05:09)
Отлично! Заинтригован! А можете тогда ещё пояснить свой старый рофл? Кто такой господин Гущин? Ну не краевед же в самом деле...
Ответ: Не припоминаю такого.
Напомните контекст - о чём там было?

4321. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (07.08.2023 15:01)
Thanks for telling me about Russia's game atmosphere. My first console is "Xiao Ba Wang", sadly I sold it when I was 10.

Thanks, But I already watched this trailer in Bilibili already.
I played and cleared Chinese re-dubbing Forbidden Siren 1 on PCSX2 last year, They almost re-dubbed all the lines, but some line were not be dubbed.

BTW, You can check list of Chinese re-dubbing voice actors in this page, provided by former practitioners gaoyuanxian https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/%E6%AD%....BB%A3)#
I'm edited this Template https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/Template:%E6%AD%BB%E9%AD%82%E6%9B%B2  And I'm the only one who completes these pages in this Template.
And I remastered that doujin-novel and translated in Japanese, maybe you can read again, cause you're know Forbidden Siren very well, so you can give me more detailed impressions?
Thanks, But I already watched this trailer in Bilibili already.
I played and cleared Chinese re-dubbing Forbidden Siren 1 on PCSX2 last year, They almost re-dubbed all the lines, but some line were not be dubbed.

I noticed that in Chinese version of Forbidden Siren they changed the title into "死魂曲".
How it translates properly from chinese? Is this word pronounced similar to "Siren"?

BTW, You can check list of Chinese re-dubbing voice actors in this page, provided by former practitioners gaoyuanxian https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/%E6%AD%....BB%A3)#

Good page. I was surprised to find a "Siren x Saya no Uta" fan art there smile

And I remastered that doujin-novel and translated in Japanese, maybe you can read again, cause you're know Forbidden Siren very well, so you can give me more detailed impressions?

Sorry, i currently don't have time to read the novel again.

4320. Surouso   (07.08.2023 01:50)
Так, в Blood Curse нет хардкорного режима? А за выполнение челленджей что-то дают?
Ответ: В Blood Curse только один уровень сложности.
Насколько я помню, за выполнение дополнительных челленджей ничего не дают.

А вот в Forbidden Siren 1 за выполнение time attack-челленджей давали посмотреть важную сцену про Датацуши, которая раскрывала первопричину всех событий в Хануде.

4319. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (06.08.2023 14:28)
Glad to hear you have such greatful achivement on publicize Forbidden Siren series!!

Russia have same game atmosphere with China.

In 90-00s' China, Consoles are too expensive for most people, and Internet cafe only cost few money that you can play many

pirate games an hour. In addition, the government also has a law on restricting games and consoles. The most famous consoles in China at that time is copycatting version FamiCom "Xiao Ba Wang". Forbidden Siren has perfect localization though (by SCE Taiwan department. The Translation Department of Shanghai TV Station is responsible for Chinese re-dubbing, only in Forbidden Siren 1), the only way to play it at that time is go to "Game cafe".

I'm suprise that Anenarumono not popular in Russia. its famous in the Slavic languages group of EX-hentai, LOL
Russia have same game atmosphere with China.
In 90-00s' China, Consoles are too expensive for most people, and Internet cafe only cost few money that you can play many pirate games an hour. In addition, the government also has a law on restricting games and consoles. The most famous consoles in China at that time is copycatting version FamiCom "Xiao Ba Wang".

Yes, it was similar in Russia in 1990s. Most popular console here was a pirated famicom clone called "Dendy".

This pirated console looked like this:

It was my first game console. I got it in 1993 for birthday smile

Forbidden Siren has perfect localization though (by SCE Taiwan department. The Translation Department of Shanghai TV Station is responsible for Chinese re-dubbing, only in Forbidden Siren 1), the only way to play it at that time is go to "Game cafe".

I haven't played the chinese version of Siren, but i have a trailer for it:

Judging by the trailer, chinese dubbing sounds quite good.

4318. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (06.08.2023 09:54)
This is the first time I have heard such valuable information about Forbidden Siren series in Europe and USA. Thank you for telling me.

May I ask you some question? Does Forbidden Siren series and Anenarumono are popular in Slavic languages regions?

In China, Anenarumono are quite famous, Forbidden Siren series are only popularity in Horror game fans, the most popularity in horror game is Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Fatal Frame.
May I ask you some question? Does Forbidden Siren series and Anenarumono are popular in Slavic languages regions?

Regarding Siren - i think most gamers in Russia heard about Forbidden Siren from this website. The site exists for 15 years and was visited 3 million times.

But the big problem is that 95% of gamers in Russia don't have a console and only have PC. So they can't actually play the game.

Also, for younger gamers Forbidden Siren is probably "too old" or "too hard".

Regarding "Ane Naru Mono" manga - not many people in Russia know about it. I only heard about it from you - and i never heard about this manga enywhere else before.

4317. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (05.08.2023 15:15)
Thank you for correcting spelling problem.

Wait, What !? So you mean SCEA never release Forbidden Siren 2 and BC in USA before? I'm first time to hear this message......So is SCEE re-dubbing the Forbidden Siren 2 in English?

It's my observation of how active in Forbidden Siren and Fatal Frame fans in Twitter, Is a very subjective conclusion.(I reseached it cause Toyama said he want collaborte with Fatal Frame series) And LOL, "Playstation Only" is not bad that tecmo and SIE decide to release PC, and you're right, it was already too late. But Xbox series console are more famous than PS in USA, Windows belongs to Microsoft either. It's easy to knowing the reason that Sony won't do that, But as to why tecmo doesn't do it I don't know.
Wait, What !? So you mean SCEA never release Forbidden Siren 2 and BC in USA before? I'm first time to hear this message......So is SCEE re-dubbing the Forbidden Siren 2 in English?

Yes, Forbidden Siren 2 was not released in USA. English version was only released in Europe (and this european version was published in small quantity and was very hard to find).

And Siren Blood Curse had only *digital* release in USA. For some reason Sony didn't published the normal disc version of the game in America - so it was not sold in shops there.

Unfortunately, american department of Sony did a lot of damage to the Siren series sad

4316. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (05.08.2023 08:39)
Well, Forbidden Siren series are pure hard-core horror survival game, and it was successful localized Cthulhu mythos story with Japanese folklore and urban folklore. "Link Navigator" system made story more hard to understand. The cultural factors combined with high difficulty made Forbidden Siren series not as famous as the other horror game such as Silent Hill and Fatal Frame in the english-speaking regions I think.

"Ane Naru Mono" did like Forbidden Siren series what they did, the reason that works more famous than Forbidden Siren series, I think it has an easy story and good character setting with painting style.

BTW, I actually made these works, just want let people know that the couple in two works are very similar, and Kanae and Shu are much ealier that anenarumono.(It would nice if iida-pochi can collaborte with SIEI, and draw Forbidden Siren 2's offical manga) Forgive me.
Well, Forbidden Siren series are pure hard-core horror survival game, and it was successful localized Cthulhu mythos story with Japanese folklore and urban folklore. "Link Navigator" system made story more hard to understand. The cultural factors combined with high difficulty made Forbidden Siren series not as famous as the other horror game such as Silent Hill and Fatal Frame in the english-speaking regions I think.

The big problem is that all Siren games were console-exclusives. So PC gamers were not able to play them.

Furthemore, Forbidden Siren 2 and Siren Blood Curse were never released in USA (they were released just in Japan, and in Europe). So people in America could not play these games too.

By the way - i don't think that Fatal Frame is more popular than Siren. Both series probably have the same level of popularity. The problem is similar - Fatal Frame games were console-exclusives for 15 years. And when Tecmo finally decided to port some games to PC, it was already too late.

4315. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (04.08.2023 19:10)
Thank you for correcting my colour mistakes.
Yeah, let's celebrate this "OtherWorld Day" tongue

And sorry for I typed wrong word on it. wacko

Thanks your reply and evaluation!

I think about 900 people on "Ane Naru Mono" subreddit never heard or played Forbidden Siren series, Although the stories and content are very similar, so I think you're right, they are hard to understand this form of representation. But I think these archives that I choose to represent, are enough to prove the similarity of the two works. I wish that some people will play or knowing Forbidden Siren series after reading it. (Especially Forbidden Siren 2, it would be easy I think)

By the way, I think you're already noticed, these archives are from my doujin-novel that I send to you in several years ago. I remasted it and I create this.
I think about 900 people on "Ane Naru Mono" subreddit never heard or played Forbidden Siren series, Although the stories and content are very similar, so I think you're right, they are hard to understand this form of representation. But I think these archives that I choose to represent, are enough to prove the similarity of the two works. I wish that some people will play or knowing Forbidden Siren series after reading it. (Especially Forbidden Siren 2, it would be easy I think)

By the way, I think you're already noticed, these archives are from my doujin-novel that I send to you in several years ago. I remasted it and I create this.

Yes, it would be nice if some people on reddit will get interested in Forbidden Siren after seeing these fan-arts and your doujin novel.

It's kinda sad that many gamers in the english-speaking regions still don't know about Siren (even though Siren is very famous in Japan).

4314. Jack_Will [Jack_Will]  (03.08.2023 17:31)
Hello, silentpryamid, long time no see. How have you been?
Today are day of "異界入り"(into the another world), and for me it's The ninth years to knowing the Forbidden Siren series.
Glad to meet great guys like you and Chelsea, gave me great help.

I've finished my dream, The Forbidden Siren 2 collaborte with "ane naru mono" just yet.(Just fan art)
These are the works that I started to prepare at the beginning of this year, to celebrate this memorable day.
I made English version either since two works both have official English version.

I look forward to your sincere thoughts.
Today are day of "異界入り"(into the another world), and for me it's The ninth years to knowing the Forbidden Siren series.
Glad to meet great guys like you and Chelsea, gave me great help.

Thanks. I'm glad that this website was helpful.

And congratulations with the "OtherWorld Day" smile

I've finished my dream, The Forbidden Siren 2 collaborte with "ane naru mono" just yet.(Just fan art)
These are the works that I started to prepare at the beginning of this year, to celebrate this memorable day.
I made English version either since two works both have official English version.

I look forward to your sincere thoughts.

Cool. I like the idea happy

By the way, are many people on "Ane Naru Mono" subreddit familiar with Forbidden Siren 2? I guess it would be hard to understand these fan-arts for people who don't know about "archive system" in Siren.

4313. DarthVasilius [Beardy]  (02.08.2023 11:46)
Интервью с Тоямой.
Ответ: Спасибо. Крутое интервью happy

4312. Комуто Херавато [Dessan]  (30.07.2023 14:25)

Ответ: Всё ещё планируешь перевести Shin Hayarigami? 

скорее хотелось бы закончить, но, по всей видимости расковырять саму игру будет не так просто.