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Главная »» 12.03.2024 »» Всё о Silent Hill 2 Remake
Всё о Silent Hill 2 Remake

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На этот раз обновлена статья о ремейке Silent Hill 2.

silent hill 2 remake sh2 ремейк сайлент хилл 2 сх2 pc ps5 пк пс5

Что известно о ремейке на данный момент? Какие нововведения планируют добавить разработчики? Какие достоинства и недостатки можно заметить в трейлерах игры? И как появился этот проект?

На все эти вопросы я постараюсь ответить в статье.

Просмотров: 1095 | Добавил: SilentPyramid | Дата: 12.03.2024 | Рейтинг: 5.0/4 |

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Всего комментариев: 2
1.       JK           [Материал]
The "Homecoming" effect comes from the RE2 Remake influence on the design. If you introduce behind the shoulder camera, it becomes very easy for the player to run past all the enemies, so you need to flood the screen with enemies or make them move faster. Add the modern TPS controls and the game gets a more action shooter feel overall.

I agree about SH2's combat being weaker compared to 1, but I am not sure if molding it after the example of SH1 or 3 is the way to go. SH2 differs from other entries in the series in that it's not exactly pure horror; there is a sad, dreamy element to it. So although you can kill enemies by melee weapons without wasting much health or ammo, the less emphasis on combat fits better with the tone in a way. Not saying that having bad combat is the way to go, I just don't think a remake that is just SH2 with more refined combat is an interesting direction to go. It may be a step back in some ways. 

I would be more interested if they did a Shattered Memories esque complete rethinking of the design, with more exploration and dialogue periodically interrupted by PH chasing sequences. This style of gameplay feels like a perfect fit for SH2's narrative. And they could leave the original game as it is.

2.       SilentPyramid           [Материал]
The "Homecoming" effect comes from the RE2 Remake influence on the design. If you introduce behind the shoulder camera, it becomes very easy for the player to run past all the enemies, so you need to flood the screen with enemies or make them move faster. Add the modern TPS controls and the game gets a more action shooter feel overall.

Yes. And they also used some visual design elements from SH Movie (for example - a darker, smog-like fog can be seen in some scenes).

When RE4\RE2R mechanics and SH Movie aesthetics are combined - it accidentally makes the game look a lot like Homecoming.

I would be more interested if they did a Shattered Memories esque complete rethinking of the design, with more exploration and dialogue periodically interrupted by PH chasing sequences. This style of gameplay feels like a perfect fit for SH2's narrative. And they could leave the original game as it is.

I think, if they change the game too much and turn the remake into a "reimaging", it would probably irritate a lot of fans.

Although, I agree that it would be nice to see more chasing and hide-and-seek elements rather than TPS-shooting elements.

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