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Ген Уробучи и Saya no Uta - Комментарии автора визуальной новеллы Песнь Сайи

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В этой статье собраны комментарии сценариста Гена Уробучи о том времени, когда он работал над визуальной новеллой "Saya no Uta". Эти комментарии помогут вам лучше понять автора и его мировосприятие.

Gen Urobuchi известен своими мрачными и трагическими историями. Он даже получил прозвище "Urobutcher", поскольку в его новеллах большинство персонажей обычно погибают страшными смертями.

Сам автор признаётся, что создавать более оптимистические рассказы у него просто не получается. Когда он пробовал писать о любви, истории неизбежно приобретали какой-то жутковато-хоррорный оттенок. Но эти попытки стали важным подспорьем для создания "Песни Сайи".

Вот что говорит сценарист в интервью:

When I try to write love, it only turns into horror. Thinking about it with a clear head, feeling such deep emotions to some other person you don't even know is truly a terrifying thing. Also, I wonder if love isn't a manifestation of madness in some way. These thoughts gave birth to that work (Saya no Uta). On the other hand, I realized that displaying "love as a reward" is impossible for me.

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Читая новеллы, написанные Геном Уробучи в начале 2000-х годов, можно заметить, как с каждым разом в них усиливалось ощущение безысходности.

Если в ранних историях сценаристу удавалось создавать некое подобие счастливой концовки, то потом с этим начались проблемы. А идея "счастья" стала чужеродна для него.

В своих воспоминаниях о том времени автор рассказывает, как в нём постепенно усиливался "синдром трагедии":

Gen Urobuchi wants to write stories that can warm people's hearts.

Those who know about my creative history will probably furrow their brows and think this is a sick joke. Honestly, I have trouble believing it myself. For when I start typing out words on the keyboard, the stories my brain comes up with are always full of madness and despair.

The truth is, I haven't always been this way. I have often written pieces that didn't have a perfect ending, but by the last chapter the protagonist would still possess a belief that "Although there will be many hardships to come, I still have to hold on".

But ever since I don't know when, I can no longer write works like this.

I have nothing but contempt for the thing men call happiness, and have had to push the characters I poured my heart out to create into the abyss of tragedy.

For all things in the world, if they are just left alone and paid no attention, are bound to advance in a negative direction. No matter what we do, we can't stop the universe from getting colder, either, and on the same principle. This world is only maintained in existence by a series of logical, common-sense processes; it can never escape the bondage of its physical laws.

Therefore, in order to write a perfect ending for a story you must possess the power to break the chain of cause and effect, invert black and white, and act in complete contradiction to the rules of the universe. Only a heavenly and chaste soul, a soul that resounds with genuine praise for humanity, can save the story; to write a story with a happy ending is a double challenge, to the author's body as well as the mind.

At some point, Gen Urobuchi lost that power. He still hasn't recovered. The "tragedy syndrome" is still continuing within me. Is this a terminal disease? Should I give up on the pure "warrior of love" that I have longed for? Or mount a pallid battle steed and reincarnate into a bearer of the plague... could it be that I can only create pieces that give men courage and hope in my next life? (When I wrote this, I accidentally wrote "courage" as "lingering ghosts". I guess that's what I get for using IME — Ah, I just wrote "IME" as "hatred"... is there no way out of this for me?)

Honestly, I even wanted to break my pen. I remember watching Spiderman 2. When I saw Peter wishing that he doesn't have the power to change his body, I also thought "Perhaps, I wish to never write another script again!"

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После создания "Песни Сайи", автор совсем впал в депрессию и на протяжении долгого времени не мог написать никаких новых историй.

Он даже начал подумывать о том, чтобы бросить свою работу. Однако его вытащил из этого состояния Киноко Насу (создатель визуальной новеллы "Fate Stay Night"), предложив написать книжку по мотивам FSN.

И благодаря этому, Уробучи постепенно снова втянулся в работу над сценариями.

When I was with Nitroplus, I came to a slump and I couldn't come up with any original stories for new visual novels so I went to Nasu to talk about it. In one of our discussions, we thought maybe if it was just about getting me to write, maybe I can work on someone else's pre-established work. That way I don't have to spend time thinking up of original ideas, but play around with someone else's concept and characters. That worked very well because it got me into writing again and working with other writers gave me new ideas for creating my own stories.

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Также Ген Уробучи признаётся, что на его творчество повлиял случай, когда он попал в больницу из-за сильной болезни, которая его чуть не убила.

В итоге сценарист всё-таки выздоровел - но потом долго чувствовал себя так, будто оказался "стёртым из общества".

Это напоминает историю главного героя Фуминори из "Saya no Uta", который после операции в госпитале стал чужим в мире людей.

For me if I consider the hidden history in my life which had the impact of causing influence in my creation I remember when I was 24 I got sick and almost died. I contracted some epidemic and had fever. It got so dangerous that if the treatment had been delayed I could have died. What I could not forget is the feeling I had when I was in recuperation. Although I did not suffer grave wounds or anything like that, well, I felt that I was in a way erased from the society then. I could not get away from the feeling that I was just like a dead man. What I felt during that time is very much alive even now in my works.

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Автор статьи: SilentPyramid

Дата публикации: 06.02.2016